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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Hurry before they are gone!

Hey people. Two new pins out in cp! Been busy again so i dont have
time to upload.

You can get a purple puffle pin at the piza parlour in the plaza.

The pink puffle pin is at the cove.

Thats all for now!

New test video

Friday, 11 March 2011

LEGO test


Hey people! I have some bad news. I am only going to post about the cheats
I think are cool, example: the best parties,the best pins etc. And soon I will be
starting a project (which I think will fail!) where I take a picture of a minifigure everyday for a year (I got the idea from Dan's site: A Lego A Day!).

Now if my two friends are reading this (I saw you two on Thursday!) I hope you enjoy my project, and other fans of my site!

There are two new pins on Club Penguin right now. The pink puffle pin and the purple puffle pin at the cove and pizza parlour!

Bye for now!