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Saturday, 13 March 2010

funny pics

He has magic powers to hold fire but he burnt the cove hut down!

Bad place to be!

Attack of the red puffles!

A snowstorm hit the town while mad ninja was in it!But he uses the mad ninja shield
to protect him!

A giant black puffle in the plazza!

To high for me to jump down!

My green puffle flew away at the ice berg!

A stupid penguin put me in the cannon then set it off!

He farted!

What item is this?

The green penguin got a nasty shock!

He caught a fish!

This is why you shouldn't wait till you are bursting for the toilet!

The tubes trapped me!

I got stuck in the mud.

That orange puffle is a goofy goober glob.

To much sugar is bad for you!

new pin!

Hi there!There is a new pin on Club Penguin. The buckle boot pin.
You can find it in the dance club lounge.Well bye!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

other cool websites

Hi there! I'm posting about other cool websites I like!

Mimo777's Club Penguin Cheats He posts really cool Club Penguin stuff and I would really like to meet him one day on CP!

BrickArms The guy who makes these weapons for lego minifigs is really good at it! I have tons of brickarms both from Will Chapman's Brickarms website and Andy's site.

club penguin free items!

Hi guys! There are quite a few free items in Club Penguin right now
and I'm posting about them! OK, the first free item is a background on Rockhopper's
ship. You can get to the beach (it's where Rockhopper docks his ship)
by clicking on your map in the bottom left screen and then click on the lighthouse.

The second free item is in the book room along with the third - it's in both of the
Rockhopper books. They are a friendship bracelet and a Rockhopper key pin.

The fourth free item is at the lighthouse beacon - it is a feather pin.

The fifth free item is in the ski lodge on the fireplace. The other free items are at the dojo - you have to play card jitsu to get them. They are belts and a ninja mask.

Well, that's all I guess. Pretty sweet cheats don't you think?

PS: my Club Penguin name is Mad ninja909 - if you see me don't be shy, come and say hello! Well bye!

Hi guys!

Hi there! I just started this blog and uh it's about lego, club penguin
and random things! Now I will let you know a little bit about me:
I am ten years old, I LOVE lego, club penguin, cheesecake and easter.
I am a boy, and I live in Scotland!
Well that's all folks! Bye!